LLC «ROCKETSCIENCE» - a Belarusian company founded in 2017, specializes in software development . The main business area is games and mobile phone applications development , the functionality of which are based on artificial intelligence, computer vision
and video-display processing. Another sphere is development of ordered software. “iOS, Android, .Net, Java, C++, PHP” are being used in work. Currently There are 16 employees working for the company at its premises. In its production LLC «ROCKETSCIENCE» uses flexible methodology of Agile as well as  iso 9001 norms for maintenance of  the quality control of provided software solutions.

UNP: 192967323
City: Minsk
Legal address: Timiryazev Str., 72/1, room 301
Phone: +375 29 366 66 86
Year of foundation: 2017
  • Software development
Sphere of competence:
  • Games and entertainment

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Kuprevicha, 1/1, 220084, Minsk, Belarus.
